Best Wishes for 2021

Best Wishes for 2021

Wishing all my fabulous customers, friends and followers a Happy New Year! ❤

Best Wishes for 2021

Thank you so much for your support during the very difficult year we have all had. It is really appreciated.

2020 was a year like no other I have ever experienced! I am in a privileged position that I have been able to stay home and carry on working, even if it has not been great in terms of work. We went through cancellation after cancellation of exhibitions, markets and craft fairs. We were lucky to be able to squeeze in a little exhibition at Carre Gallery in Sleaford and a By appointment event in Aslackby Village hall. We did a couple of virtual markets too. But it is not the same as in-person selling and being able to talk to my lovely customers.

I also had enquiries about teaching and was only able to do one in the whole year! A private session in someone’s home during October when we were not in lockdown or tier 3.

2021 I sincerely hope you will be an improvement on the year we have had!



