FAMILY DAY OUT | Colourful Copper Wall Art 02


Colourful Copper Wall Art 02 FAMILY DAY OUT – Engraved, Hand-painted 2nd in this series, Colourful Copper Wall Art 02 FAMILY DAY OUT, is a colourful engraved & hand-painted fun piece. An underwater scene of Fish, Shell and Plants has been engraved on copper. I have then added little colourful fish in various sizes on…

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Colourful Copper Wall Art 02 FAMILY DAY OUT – Engraved, Hand-painted

2nd in this series, Colourful Copper Wall Art 02 FAMILY DAY OUT, is a colourful engraved & hand-painted fun piece.

An underwater scene of Fish, Shell and Plants has been engraved on copper. I have then added little colourful fish in various sizes on top the of engraving.

This picture got lots of smiles and comments at a recent exhibition.ย  A five year old visitor named each fish after members of her own family! ๐Ÿ™‚

The fabulous colours on the fish have been achieved with alcohol ink. Slightly larger single colourful fish can also be bought here.

I have given a renaissance wax polish to the whole piece which will help to maintain the shine.

Colourful Copper Wall Art 02 FAMILY DAY OUT Size: The Picture is 26 x 14 cm in landscape.

The back has two copper hooks brazed on which can easily go over picture hanging nails or screws.

Or if you already have a hanging system in your home / gallery then you can tie a string between the two hooks and hang it that way.

I did useย  stencils for the original patterns that I have engraved. I used an electric hand-held engraving tool and went over the whole piece to get the pattern cut into the metal plate.

To be honest, if I had relied on my drawing skills a freehand sketch could have looked like anything from a squid to an alien!

This piece was displayed at Allman Galley at Victoria Hall in Oakham as part of the Escartists Vitamin Sea Exhibition.

Vitamin Sea Exhibition at Victoria Hall Oakham by ESC Artiswts

Look out for more copper art coming soon to my shop!

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