Stamford Diversity Festival 2021

Stamford Diversity Festival

The first Stamford Diversity Festival was held in my lovely little town on 30th August.

Recreation Ground, Stamford: 30th August 2021

Stamford Diversity Festival

The Festival was a celebration of World Music, Arts & Crafts, Food & Drink.

A Free, open-access, family festival organised by Stamford Anti-Racism Group, with funding from local council and support from the Town Council, various local councillors, businesses and volunteers. A truly joyous day!

Eve Marshall and I had a shared stall and we also took a selection of work by Mr A (Palletwood Stuff). Our stall was very well received and we had an amazing day of selling and making new friends. Already eagerly looking forward to the 2nd Stamford Diversity Festival. Very hopeful there will be more!

Stamford based photographer Kingsley Singleton was our official photographer for the festival and took some amazing photos. Here is a small selection to enjoy and get the feel of the event ๐Ÿ™‚

And this is the lady who made it all happen!

Event Coordinator Yvette DM has been working tirelessly since 2020 to make this festival a reality. It is her hard work, forward thinking and resilience that was the driving force for all the volunteers who worked with her.

Yvette invited me to be stall coordinator for the festival and together we worked on the layout of stalls & activities, who to invite to be stall holders and some social media posts.

Really proud to call this amazing woman my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

Stamford Diversity Festival






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